
EXECUTIVE EXCHANGE: The Airbus Journey: Making a Difference!
Wednesday 06/21/2017 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM   Add to calendar
1.25 SHRM PDCs | Competencies: Leadership & Navigation, Consultation, Business Acumen | Intended Audience: Mid-Level
Workplace Application:
This session will provide you with insight on the Airbus journey of adapting to the outside world's digital transformation.  

If you’re not changing, you’re running a risk of becoming irrelevant. HR must be willing to redefine our value to a diverse set of internal customers and become experts in helping managers and employees adapt to a constantly changing environment. Join David Fink, Vice President of HR for Airbus in North America, in an interactive exchange where he will share his experience inside the giant plane maker's culture where technologies, talents, and constant change collide. From the aerospace roots in traditional manufacturing of airplanes and helicopters ‎to a rapid series of start-ups with disruption and millennial mindsets, you will learn about the journey of adaptation the HR function is on to “Make a Difference” through four themes of:  "Choosing your Attitude", "Making it Meaningful", "Doing the Right Thing" and "Growing Yourself" in order to take the lead on change.

David Fink Photo
David Fink, vice president, HR,
Airbus (North America)