
Concurrent Session
Stop Leaning on the Lamppost: How to Use Data to Enhance Your Message Rather than Just Support It
Willow (2nd floor)
Wednesday 09/28/2016 09:00 AM - 10:30 AM   Add to calendar
1.50 SHRM PDCs | Competencies: Communication
Workplace Application:
You will learn to present data (especially the complex information that drives HR) in a way that's simple and persuasive and that resonates with your listeners. 

Repeated from Tuesday at 4:00 p.m.

How do you present complex information in a way that doesn't drag the life out of a conference room? Data provides tremendous value, but it also presents a daunting challenge. The reality is that most business presentations are painful, data-filled, PowerPoint-driven exercises in madness for listeners. This session will explore how to present data in a way that is simple and persuasive, that resonates with listeners, and that ultimately inspires confidence in you and your team. This session will help you:

  • Gain a clear sense of why verbal communication is not a good medium for data transmission.
  • Learn how to bring data to life and illuminate it by using stories, examples and analogies.
  • Learn how to defend your data and enhance your credibility when faced with challengers and skeptics.
Jan McKenzie Photo
Jan McKenzie, executive coach,