
Concurrent Session
Master the Recruiting Skills of Tomorrow, Today: Social Media, HR Tech and Digital Brand Intelligence
Pacific C
Wednesday 04/20/2016 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM   Add to calendar
1.25 SHRM PDCs, 1.25 Business Credit | Intended Audience: Mid-Level
Workplace Application:
Learn which skills and proficiencies in social recruiting, HR tech and digital branding are most effective today, and which will be in-demand tomorrow. 

Social media has fundamentally changed the way we attract, and acquire, talent. The first decade of social media pushed HR to learn how to adapt to constant flux and develop new skills, but tomorrow's HR leaders must determine which skills are truly fundamental to remain effective, efficient and relevant. The presenters will discuss how you can navigate today's social media and employer branding initiatives, lead your company to the crest of HR innovation, and sustainably build in-demand skills for the future. This session will help you:


·         Learn which social and digital branding skills are expected and demanded. 

·         Understand the concept of “points of influence;” how it differs from traditional return on investment models in the social era;
          and its impact on candidate experience, employer brand and the bottom line.  

·         Expand your skills alongside the expansion of your company's social media and employer branding programs, and how to avoid
          burnout by setting sustainable and realistic benchmarks for both.

Mira Greenland Photo
Mira Greenland, vice president,
Lindsay Jurisch Photo
Lindsay Jurisch, director of Global Talent Acquisition,
Sutherland Global Services