
Concurrent Session
Business Operations Track - All for one and one for all: Leveraging volunteer opportunities to advance the profession
Liberty Salon P
Friday 11/20/2015 03:45 PM - 05:00 PM   Add to calendar
0.00 Not Available for Credit

Your members love cutting edge information and making an impact on the future of our profession.  Three subject-matter experts will share what's new. First, learn what’s new with Student Programs and Academic Initiatives. Next, the SHRM Foundation will update you on scholarships, research, resources, and thought leadership, and how you can support our charity affiliate. As we head into the 2016 presidential election season, learn first-hand how SHRM – and our members – will work to shape the national debate and ensure HR has a seat at the table as key workplace issues develop. SHRM staff will provide the latest on its strategic efforts to raise the HR voice on policy issues through the Advocacy Team (“A-Team”), and how your chapter and/or state council can join our advocacy network.