
Concurrent Session
RAMP UP Your Leadership Skills
Grand Oaks Ballroom K
Thursday 10/08/2015 04:00 PM - 05:30 PM   Add to calendar
1.50 SHRM PDCs | Competencies: Leadership & Navigation

Repeated Friday at 1:00 p.m.

Whether a seasoned professional or new to the HR area, you bring a very high degree of natural leadership and emotional intelligence to the workplace. It is critical that you not only perform your job role, but that you are a transformation partner and leader with the groups that you support. In all functions, effective leaders must continue to identify, develop and sharpen their own leadership skills for both personal and professional growth. Outstanding leaders know how to skillfully inspire, motivate, and empower others to do their very best and achieve success. This session will provide you with strategies and techniques that will give you the ability to become a transformation partner and leader in your organization. You will learn how to:

  • Develop, enhance and grow your leadership skills.
  • Communicate and engage with others more effectively, throughout your organization.  
  • Develop skills to better influence your workplace's productivity, morale and operational business.
Darlene Faye Templeton Photo
Darlene Faye Templeton, CEO,
Templeton & Associates