
Concurrent Session
Turning Talent into Productivity at Last — Measuring and Managing the New Employee Value Equation
National Harbor 10-11
Tuesday 05/01/2012 02:00 PM - 03:15 PM   Add to calendar
1.25 Business Credit
Focus Areas:

Workplace Application: You will learn a revolutionary equation for measuring employee value beyond performance and potential.

The true value of an employee is no longer determined just by his or her technical skills, expertise or current performance. In order to determine the total value an employee adds to an organization, and therefore who to retain, develop and further compensate, leaders need a new ROI metric, one that moves beyond performance and incorporates “emotional expensiveness.” The presenter will introduce a revolutionary value equation and teach key strategies for maximizing productivity. You will gain fluency in the new employee value equation — the Employee Value Return on Investment ratio (EV-ROI) and learn how to apply it in a systematic way throughout your organization. You will also learn how to connect employee value to productivity and how to predict for the organization talent's true ability to deliver on strategic initiatives. This session will completely change how you look at recruitment, retention, compensation and succession planning.

Cy  Wakeman Photo
Cy Wakeman,
Cy Wakeman, Inc.