
To help attendees get the most out of their conference experience, we have created the SHRM Conference Planner*. Create your personalized itinerary by locating items of interest and adding them to your planner. Access your planner by clicking the "My Session Planner" button in the left sidebar for that conference.

How to Use

Use the Sessions button on the left of the page to locate items of interest by browsing or search using any combination of keywords, session types, focus areas, dates and more!

When you see something that interests you, click the "plus" icon to add that item to your planner

The "plus" icon will change to a "minus" icon. Click it to remove the item from your planner

*The SHRM Conference Planner is a planning tool only. It does not register you for courses, prevent you from scheduling yourself in a two places, or reserve a space in your selected sessions.