
Spotlight Stage
How to be an Ally to Other Women in Business
Spotlight Stage
In-Person Monday 04/15/2024 01:30 PM - 01:50 PM   Add to calendar
Competencies: Business (Behavioral), Interpersonal (Behavioral), Leadership (Behavioral) | Intended Audience: Mid-Level
Workplace Application:
Attendees will learn how to recognize and overcome unconscious gender bias to better support and champion other women in their careers, helping to build diverse, equitable, and inclusive cultures that benefit companies and individuals. 

Unconscious gender bias is real and pervasive in American business, in men as well as women. The issue is that unrecognized and unchecked, gender bias holds women back in their careers and disrupts efforts to build the diverse, equitable, and inclusive cultures that companies say they want.

Women have adopted passive-aggressive tactics to survive because, historically, they haven't had the luxury of speaking up or being direct without negative consequences. Unlike men, women are often evaluated solely on their achievements rather than their potential. These challenges are particularly acute for women of color, who often face additional biases and preconceptions. 

Additionally, research has shown that women exhibit relational aggression to establish or maintain their social status, including among other women. 'The mean girl' is confident, ambitious, cunning, and fundamentally motivated by status and social hierarchy, whether gaining it or maintaining the capital she already has.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn to self-identify bias and how to overcome those thoughts with behavior shifts that also help support their own career goals.
  • Gain insight into female relational aggression and other power-protecting behaviors.
  • Understand how to become an ally in your workplace or industry, reflecting your desire to be a supportive team player, an inspiring leader, and lifting up others for success and shared goals.
Delphine Carter Photo
Delphine Carter, Founder & CEO,
Boulo Solutions