
Concurrent Session
Build the Capability, Not the Skills, Your Organization Needs
Roman Ballroom 1-2
In-Person and Virtual Tuesday 04/16/2024 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM   Add to calendar
Competencies: Business (Behavioral), Leadership (Behavioral) | Intended Audience: Senior-Level
Workplace Application:
Atendees will learn how to build transformational & entrepreneurial leadership to achieve dynamic growth. 

Transforming how you build leaders to take ownership of impact they need to have across the organization and for our customers not just be engaged to manage their teams is more than just a program-it is an experience that is hardwired against the true purpose and strategic path of the organization. To deliver unparalleled value, you must do more than improve skill in leadership; you must have a sustainable and transformative approach to lead and build capability and real change.   We will guide you in building the leadership development approach your organization needs from start to finish, big picture to intricate details, implementation to performance optimization, and executive team to first-time managers. You will be guided through a process that will allow you to define and ultimately create a strategic road map while also knowing how to be agile in order to build and deploy what your organization needs rapidly while achieving immediate impact to your month over month priorities and driving the future of your organization at the same time.   The 5 critical steps to do this are: 1. Purpose: Our true focus and impact 2. Path: Strategically what we want and what we need 3. Potential & Performance: Shaping the context, capability, and capacity. 4. Possibilities & Pain Points: Application and integration to what matters 5. Power: Driving real velocity and results

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn a framework for setting up a leadership development experience that is right for your culture that also creates stakeholder buy-in and commitment from the executive leaders all the way through the organization.
  • Develop your specific long-term vision and short-term strategy and how to hardwire your leadership development experience into the critical functions and geographies to drive marketplace growth and customer value.
  • Explore the content, design, and delivery aspects for increasing engagement and driving lasting performance improvements.
  • Build a plan for implementation and evaluation that elevates the capacity, capability, and performance of your organization over the next 4 years.
Jack  Gottlieb Photo
Jack Gottlieb, CEO,
Total Solutions Group