
Concurrent Session
Are Your Leaders Talent Champions?
Roman Ballroom 3-4
In-Person and Virtual Monday 04/15/2024 03:45 PM - 04:45 PM   Add to calendar
Competencies: Business (Behavioral), Interpersonal (Behavioral), Leadership (Behavioral) | Intended Audience: Mid-Level, Senior-Level
Workplace Application:
One of the primary reasons employees are leaving is they don't see the possibility of advancement and don't feel they have development opportunities. Creating Talent Champions addresses both those issues. The benefit gained by having leaders engaged as Champions is building an enhanced employee experience, resulting in improvements in engagement. 

Are you and your leaders concerned about the skills shortage? Do you stay up at night concerned about the lack of people ready to move into leadership roles? Have you wondered if you could improve your company's capability to attract, retain, and develop top talent? In short, how-to future-proof your company.   Being a Talent Champion is a proactive way of ensuring you nurture, grow and retain top talent. A talent champion ensures they have the right people ready for the right jobs on time. Being a Talent Champion builds trust and respect. Being a Talent Champion enhances your people to have the type of employee experience you wish them to have and, in turn, employee engagement. The talent champion reduces the need for recruitment.    By the end of the session, participants will better understand how to cultivate their organization's most valuable asset through their leaders and managers as Talent Champions.

Learning Objectives:

  • How to create a talent-centric culture.
  • How to hold a meaningful dialogue with employees.
  • Why listening is more important than speaking.
  • Develop a solid foundation for succession planning.
  • Why, when leaders are talent champions, do they create a meaningful employee experience.
  • What are the questions the talent champion needs to ask?
Dr. David S.  Cohen Photo
Dr. David S. Cohen, Founder and Contrarian Consultant,
DS Cohen & Associates