Registration for AI+HI Project is now open


General Session
We Don’t Have to Choose Between Ethical AI and Innovative AI
Portage Theater (Microsoft Silicon Valley Campus)
Tuesday 03/05/2024 10:00 AM - 10:40 AM   Add to calendar

As the founder of Girls Who Code, Reshma Saujani knows as well as anyone the benefits and risks of technology to the most vulnerable among us. The sense of impending doom over AI stealing women’s jobs, proliferating racial bias, and furthering economic disparities, however, distracts us from the incredible opportunities to help those same vulnerable communities.

 In this session, Reshma details how the next generation of AI will close inequality gaps and help solve a variety of societal issues from education to healthcare to climate change by streamlining processes, sharing trusted information, and more. She also shares her experience launching, showing us how AI can help one of the communities she’s most passionate about supporting - moms. Audiences will walk away optimistic about our AI future and with a better understanding of how AI advancements will impact not only every business sector but also our personal lives.

Reshma Saujani Photo
Reshma Saujani, Founder and CEO, Moms First,
Founder, Girls Who Code