
Concurrent Session
Shattering the Myths of Flexwork: Securing Manager Buy-In
Nob Hill D
Wednesday 10/30/2013 01:45 PM - 03:00 PM   Add to calendar
1.25 HR Credit | Competencies: Communication, Consultation, Relationship Management
Workplace Application:
Learn how to overcome midlevel managerial resistance to workflex by shedding light on common misperceptions about trust and accountability in the flexible work environment. 

While flexwork has grown in popularity in recent years, many HR leaders still struggle with convincing managers to view flexible work arrangements as an effective organization-wide strategy, rather than merely a reward offered to select employees. We will shatter the myths of flexwork often held by midlevel managers, and ensure that silent sabotage does not derail your flex initiative. Leave with:

  • A fuller understanding of the benefits of a flexwork program, as well as tactics you can use to combat managers’ resistance to change.
  • The business case for why flexwork can be considered an effective organization-wide strategy, rather than a perk.
  • Insight on how flexwork addresses three distinct business challenges: workforce performance, generational issues, and financial implications.
Diane Stegmeier Photo
Diane Stegmeier, Founder and CEO,
Stegmeier Consulting Group