
Concurrent Session
Neurodiverse Teams: The Key to Innovation and Inclusion in AI and Automation
Milano Ballroom 5-6
In-Person and Virtual Monday 04/15/2024 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM   Add to calendar
Competencies: Business (Behavioral), Interpersonal (Behavioral), Leadership (Behavioral), Organization (Technical) | Intended Audience: Senior-Level
Workplace Application:
This session will shed light on the diverse skills needed and example AI Automation tools used by HR teams to streamline processes, as well as inspire HR professionals to unlock the immense talent pool of neurodiverse individuals to foster innovation and create more value for their organization. 

As we progress into an era increasingly dominated by digital technology, automation, AI and analytics, businesses must evolve their workforce strategies. To keep pace, companies are forced to rethink not only their technology but the talent who innovates with them. This evolution is twofold (1) navigating towards diverse thinking skills and (2) ensuring technological maturity to future-proofing your business. Cecile Arsan, an operational leader at UiPath, an AI Automation company, and Dave Friedman, founder of a tech professional services company that employs adults with autism, have seen firsthand how this transformation takes shape in HR departments and company-wide through the lens of neurodiversity.

Learning Objectives:

  • Common AI Automation use cases in HR, showcasing the art of the possible
  • The diverse skills needed in AI Automation company-wide
  • Results from a recent case study on the impact of adults with autism in helping build Automation programs where they performed 150% better than neurotypical teams
  • Best practices when attracting, recruiting, onboarding, and managing neurdiverse talent
Dave Friedman Photo
Dave Friedman, CEO,
Cecile Arsan Photo
Cecile Arsan, Neurodiversity Council Leader and AMER Sales Engineering Head of Operations,