Jeffrey P. Tulloch
vice president
MetLife PlanSmart®
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Jeff Tulloch is vice president of MetLife’s PlanSmart®, Workplace Benefits, and Business Advantage organization.  

In this role he is responsible for overseeing PlanSmart, MetLife’s financial education platform which provides education and assistance to meet the diverse financial needs of employees.  More than 170 of the Fortune 500 companies currently rely on PlanSmart to support their financial wellness efforts.

 Jeff is passionate about helping employees improve their financial wellness through education and is committed to empowering them to take action to achieve their financial goals.  He speaks at various seminars on the topic and also works with MetLife leaders globally to bring financial education to international employees of companies located in countries such as India, Japan, and Mexico. 

In addition to PlanSmart, Jeff oversees MetLife’s Business Advantage organization, leading a cross-channel initiative that provides coordinated resources and support to help MetLife firms succeed in the small business owner market. 

Through the Workplace Benefits arm of his organization, Jeff manages a team that provides voluntary benefits to companies. 

Jeff has served in a number of roles with MetLife since joining the company in 1996.  Prior to his current role, he had responsibility for MetLife’s Strategic Alliance group, focused on establishing and managing distribution relationships with associations, affinity groups, and a variety of other distribution organizations. 

Jeff and his wife, Karen, live in Ridgefield, CT, and have two college-aged sons.  When he’s not promoting financial wellness, you can find Jeff on a ski slope, racing slalom, giant slalom, and super-G in the United States Masters division.

Kim Dwyer
vice president, Benefit Services
Advocate Health Care
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Advocate Health Care is based in Chicago.  With 12 acute care hospitals and a children’s hospital, it is the largest private sector employer in Illinois, having 35,000 employees and annual net revenues of $5 billion.  Advocate has been recognized as one of the Top 5 Employers in the State of Illinois and is considered the premier health care provider in Chicago.  As Vice President of Benefit Services, Kim Dwyer strategizes, designs, develops and implements all employee benefits and wellness programs with communications to support them.  She is responsible for all administration and selection of benefits providers, including third party administrators, managed care companies, benefit networks, trustee and recordkeeping services.    Kim holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Illinois, Sports Medicine and Education.  She is the executive vice chair of the Midwest Business Group on Health (MBGH) and is or has served as a client advisory board member for Active Health, HealthMedia, MetLife, Institutional Advisors, Fidelity, and ADP Benefit Services.

Lisa Nitsch
director of Clinical Services & Education
House of Ruth Maryland
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Lisa serves as Director of Clinical Services & Education at House of Ruth Maryland. Lisa is responsible for oversight of adult therapeutic services, children’s therapy, residential childcare, intervention programs for perpetrators of intimate partner violence, and the agency’s Training Institute. Lisa oversees the day-to-day operation of these programs and coordinates new program initiatives to improve the quality and scope of services.

Lisa has been with House of Ruth Maryland since 1998 and her emphasis on a family perspective for addressing intimate partner violence was cause for an invitation to the White House in March of 2010 to consult on federal legislation regarding responsible fatherhood programs and domestic violence.  She served as the Vice President of the national organization, Women in Fatherhood, for over six years and as Chair of Maryland’s Abuse Intervention Collaborative for ten years. She currently serves on the Governor’s Family Violence Council and Baltimore City’s Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team.

Lisa demonstrates strength in creating collaborative partnerships between programs that have historically conflicting agendas and provides technical assistance in this area to programs across the country. 

Lisa is a Baltimore City native and is proud to continue to live and work there with her incredibly patient husband and gentle pit bull.


Maya Raghu
Deputy Director of Policy of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
U.S. Department of Labor
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Maya Raghu is the Deputy Director of Policy at the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs at the U.S. Department of Labor. As a member of the agency’s senior leadership team, she advises the Director on the development and implementation of strategies, regulations, policies and programs to further the agency’s mission, and represents the interests of OFCCP with other agencies within the Department, the federal government, and with stakeholders.

Prior to joining the Department of Labor, Ms. Raghu served as the Director of Workplace Equality and Senior Counsel at the National Women’s Law Center, where she developed and coordinated priorities and strategies for NWLC’s workplace gender equality efforts, with a focus on low paid workers. She led federal legislative and regulatory initiatives and advocacy, stakeholder engagement, engaged in narrative shift and culture change efforts, and impact litigation and amicus briefs on a range of workplace gender equality and economic security issues including pay equity, harassment, and civil rights enforcement. Prior to joining NWLC, Ms. Raghu was a senior attorney at Futures Without Violence and at Legal Momentum. She was also previously an associate at Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP and a law clerk to the Hon. Vanessa D. Gilmore of the Southern District of Texas. Ms. Raghu is a graduate of Trinity University and Georgetown University Law Center. She has appeared in a number of media outlets, including PBS Newshour, NPR, CNN, and The New York Times.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015 - 9:15am to 10:45am
Maya Raghu
Deputy Director of Policy of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
U.S. Department of Labor
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Maya Raghu is the Deputy Director of Policy at the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs at the U.S. Department of Labor. As a member of the agency’s senior leadership team, she advises the Director on the development and implementation of strategies, regulations, policies and programs to further the agency’s mission, and represents the interests of OFCCP with other agencies within the Department, the federal government, and with stakeholders.

Prior to joining the Department of Labor, Ms. Raghu served as the Director of Workplace Equality and Senior Counsel at the National Women’s Law Center, where she developed and coordinated priorities and strategies for NWLC’s workplace gender equality efforts, with a focus on low paid workers. She led federal legislative and regulatory initiatives and advocacy, stakeholder engagement, engaged in narrative shift and culture change efforts, and impact litigation and amicus briefs on a range of workplace gender equality and economic security issues including pay equity, harassment, and civil rights enforcement. Prior to joining NWLC, Ms. Raghu was a senior attorney at Futures Without Violence and at Legal Momentum. She was also previously an associate at Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP and a law clerk to the Hon. Vanessa D. Gilmore of the Southern District of Texas. Ms. Raghu is a graduate of Trinity University and Georgetown University Law Center. She has appeared in a number of media outlets, including PBS Newshour, NPR, CNN, and The New York Times.

Lisa Nitsch
director of Clinical Services & Education
House of Ruth Maryland
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Lisa serves as Director of Clinical Services & Education at House of Ruth Maryland. Lisa is responsible for oversight of adult therapeutic services, children’s therapy, residential childcare, intervention programs for perpetrators of intimate partner violence, and the agency’s Training Institute. Lisa oversees the day-to-day operation of these programs and coordinates new program initiatives to improve the quality and scope of services.

Lisa has been with House of Ruth Maryland since 1998 and her emphasis on a family perspective for addressing intimate partner violence was cause for an invitation to the White House in March of 2010 to consult on federal legislation regarding responsible fatherhood programs and domestic violence.  She served as the Vice President of the national organization, Women in Fatherhood, for over six years and as Chair of Maryland’s Abuse Intervention Collaborative for ten years. She currently serves on the Governor’s Family Violence Council and Baltimore City’s Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team.

Lisa demonstrates strength in creating collaborative partnerships between programs that have historically conflicting agendas and provides technical assistance in this area to programs across the country. 

Lisa is a Baltimore City native and is proud to continue to live and work there with her incredibly patient husband and gentle pit bull.


Denise Pirrotti Hummel, J.D.
Ernst & Young
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Denise Pirrotti Hummel, J.D., is a Human Capital Principal at EY, where she leads national culture integration and optimization across the globe. She is the former CEO and Founder of Universal Consensus, LLC, a culture transformation firm. Her team helps clients improve global business results and build lasting performance by enhancing corporate, national, gender and generational culture, key components of enterprise financial success. In addition to serving clients, she leads a team of 40 engineers, computer scientists, curriculum specialists and researchers that operationalize EY’s global culture tools used for H.R. transformation and M&A culture integration. Hummel is a member of the prestigious U.S. State Department Worldwide Speaker and Specialist Program and a speaker on culture and change management at SHRM 2013 and SHRM 2014. She has consulted for a myriad of Fortune 100 companies in every sector, as well as the U.S. State Department and the Pentagon. Prior to founding Universal Consensus, Hummel was an attorney practicing commercial and employment law, and D&I internationally. That experience has enabled her to effectively link a client’s HR and cultural considerations with the overall enterprise risk management impacts. Denise was recognized by the American Bar Association as one of the top twenty young attorneys in the United States in 1992. She is a published author and speaks multiple languages.
David Weil
Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division
U.S. Department of Labor
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David Weil was sworn in as the Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division on May 5, 2014. Dr. Weil is an internationally recognized expert in public and labor market policy; regulatory performance; industrial and labor relations; transparency policy; and supply-chain restructuring and its effects.

Prior to this appointment, Dr. Weil served as professor of economics and the Peter and Deborah Wexler Professor of Management at Boston University School of Management. He also served as co-director of the Transparency Policy Project at the Ash Institute at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. He has written three books on labor market policy, including the recently published The Fissured Workplace. He has authored numerous articles and publications in a variety of economics, public policy, management, and industrial relations journals and books, as well as numerous publications in non-academic outlets.

No stranger to the Department’s mission or its work, Dr. Weil has served as an adviser to both the Wage and Hour Division and to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, as well as to a number of other government agencies. He also has served as mediator and adviser in a range of labor union and labor/management settings across the globe. In addition to his work for the Department, his research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the Russell Sage Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, among others.

Dr. Weil received his B.S. at Cornell University and M.A. and Ph.D. in public policy at Harvard University.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015 - 12:30pm to 2:00pm
David Weil
Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division
U.S. Department of Labor
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David Weil was sworn in as the Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division on May 5, 2014. Dr. Weil is an internationally recognized expert in public and labor market policy; regulatory performance; industrial and labor relations; transparency policy; and supply-chain restructuring and its effects.

Prior to this appointment, Dr. Weil served as professor of economics and the Peter and Deborah Wexler Professor of Management at Boston University School of Management. He also served as co-director of the Transparency Policy Project at the Ash Institute at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. He has written three books on labor market policy, including the recently published The Fissured Workplace. He has authored numerous articles and publications in a variety of economics, public policy, management, and industrial relations journals and books, as well as numerous publications in non-academic outlets.

No stranger to the Department’s mission or its work, Dr. Weil has served as an adviser to both the Wage and Hour Division and to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, as well as to a number of other government agencies. He also has served as mediator and adviser in a range of labor union and labor/management settings across the globe. In addition to his work for the Department, his research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the Russell Sage Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, among others.

Dr. Weil received his B.S. at Cornell University and M.A. and Ph.D. in public policy at Harvard University.

Leslie Silverman
Fortney & Scott, LLC
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Leslie E. Silverman is a shareholder at Fortney & Scott, LLC where she counsels and advises clients on complying with workplace laws, dealing with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, other government agencies and Congress, and on a wide range of workplace issues, including employment screening and diversity and recruitment and retention programs.  Ms. Silverman also conducts workplace investigations and represents clients before the EEOC and other government agencies.

Susie Bates
director, HR & Talent, China
Interpublic Marketing Services (Shanghai) Ltd
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Susie has been living and working in senior organizational development and HR roles in Beijing, China since the Spring of 1981, and was instrumental in the start-up of the UK firm, Rolls-Royce International operations in China, where she held senior roles from 1981 thru to the late 90s. 

Susie has held senior HR roles in China within Xin De Telecom, a Siemens/CITIC finance leasing joint venture, and, up until the summer of 2011,  was the Vice-President for Human Resources & Recruitment for the United Family Healthcare group, with overall responsibility for the recruitment of healthcare providers, nursing staff and healthcare professionals for the group’s China-wide operations. 

Susie joined the Interpublic Marketing Services group in Beijing, China in April 2013, where she holds the position of Director of Human Resources & Talent with China-wide responsibility providing HR leadership to the group’s six agencies in China, including Weber Shandwick, Jack Morton, Golin Harris, Octagon, DeVries PR and FutureBrand.  

Susie is a firm believer in developing home-grown talent within an organization, and lists amongst her values, Passion, Integrity, Commitment and life-time growth; she plays  an active role in the HR Forums of both the European and British Chambers of Commerce,  is a long standing member of the US Society of Human Resource Management, the American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration, and the UK Chartered Institute of Personnel Development, and is a frequently invited speaker at both Chinese domestic and international Human Resources and Organizational Development events.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015 - 4:00pm to 5:15pm