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Concurrent Session
How to Cultivate a Sparked Organizational Culture
Seacliff C
In-Person Tuesday 10/01/2024 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM   Add to calendar
Intended Audience: All Levels

Workplace culture is like a region's weather and climate-although we can't always see it, culture has a powerful effect on our day to day experience. It can either invigorate and enliven us, or it can demotivate us and drain energy (leading to disengagement and turnover). Adding to the complexity, the work landscape is changing and can be challenging (multiple office locations, generational differences and gaps, retirement and succession, remote/hybrid/in-person work dynamics, just to name a few). If we want to recruit and retain talented, committed people, we need to be empowered to generate a culture of connection and thriving now more than ever.

Workplace Application: Recruit, retain, and develop talent by creating a culture people love and don't want to leave.

Learning Objectives:

1. Explore tools for enhancing culture and promoting job satisfaction, belonging, and self-care. 
2. Recognize and reverse hidden dysfunctions that contribute to turnover and dissatisfaction.
3. Learn strategies to generate positive energy and results through healthy relationship dynamics.
4. Strengthen practical skills and tools to invigorate organizational culture, reduce burnout, and foster connection and collaboration.
5. Develop a plan to cultivate a thriving workplace culture for talent retention.


Chris Failla  Photo
Chris Failla, keynote speaker, workshop facilitator, and Gallup-certified Strengths Consultant