
General Session
Brunch and General Session with Shane Snow
Grand Ballroom ABC
Wednesday 09/28/2016 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM   Add to calendar
1.00 SHRM PDCs

Those Who Tell the Stories Rule the World

Shane Snow says storytelling will be the key driver of 21st century business at both the macro and micro levels—and he has the research to prove it. Why do twice as many people trust author J.K. Rowling as a leader than the queen? How do some brands achieve and maintain massive market share in a few years, and how do even the most introverted employees manage to drive innovation and climb the ladder faster than others who’ve paid dues longer than them? The answer to these questions is the same: through the power of great stories. Blending dramatic narrative and rigorous science, Snow—who writes for Wired and Fast Company—will show you why stories work at a neurological level, how both businesses at large and individuals who work at them can—and must—harness the power of story to build relationships and make people care like never before.

Shane Snow Photo
Shane Snow, chief creative officer,