
Tyi McCray, Ph.D.
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Tyi McCray, PhD, is a diversity and inclusion (D&I) thought leader, a dynamic presenter and trained coach. As a D&I consultant for the private sector, Tyi has helped organizations in a range of industries develop tailored diversity strategies and workshops (working with companies such as Twitter, The New York Times, Airbnb, Pinterest, and GoPro).

Before becoming a consultant for the private sector, Tyi served an 11-year tenure at Cornell University. As the Director of Diversity and Inclusion at Cornell’s business school (Johnson Graduate School of Management), Tyi designed and executed a data-driven strategic plan aimed at cultivating an inclusive environment. She also taught graduate level courses for MBA students on leading diverse teams, with a focus on effective communication across social and cultural differences.

Tyi has a PhD in Plant Biology from Cornell University and is certified by the Coaches Training Institute.