
Concurrent Session
Hiring for Success: It's in the Skills!
Bayou AB
Wednesday 04/10/2019 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM   Add to calendar
1.00 SHRM PDCs | Competencies: Business Acumen, Communication, Critical Evaluation | Intended Audience: Mid-Level
Workplace Application:
Rather than rely too heavily on an impressive educational background or former-employer pedigree, you will learn how to effectively assess candidates for desired skill sets based on prior accomplishments and results and coach hiring managers to do the same.  

Many organizations today focus too heavily on sourcing efforts that target candidates with “pedigree appeal”―impressive or prestigious educational or employment backgrounds. In fact, these days it takes precedence over the thorough investigation talent acquisition professionals need to perform once a conversation with these candidates is opened. Technology makes it easier than ever to find these folks, but good, old-fashioned interviewing and assessment skills are still needed to learn what these candidates gained from their experience. HR and talent acquisition professionals inside organizations that have higher-than-comfortable hire failure rates can learn how to fix this problem. After all, we can’t advise our hiring managers on how to be better at selecting for skills and not being distracted by the resumes listing Ivy League schools and Fortune 100 employers unless we’re good at honing our assessment capabilities. You will learn new techniques in assessing candidates for potential on-the-job success by uncovering skills and abilities, understanding candidates’ past performance and results, and filtering them through the organization’s business needs to make stronger hiring recommendations.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how to detect a candidate’s potential skills from a deeper reading into resumes, CVs and professional online profiles.
  • Learn new ways to use phone and in-person interviewing techniques to uncover candidates’ true skills and abilities in driving results in their prior roles.
  • Understand how best to filter information from candidates through solid knowledge of their organizations’ true business needs to determine who may be the best hire for an open position.
John  Carrozza  Photo
John Carrozza, Principal Consultant,
Riviera Advisors